Do you need help to re-open your business after lockdown?

Are you planning to re-open?

HomeFirst Plus, a not-for-profit social enterprise based at the Old School, are offering a full clear, clean and repair service.

This includes special cleaning rates for organisations that are preparing to re-open after lockdown. It is a professional service to help combat and minimise the risk of the spread of the infection.

Click here for full details of what’s available.

Progress towards the “New Normal”


The Old School currently remains closed.  Together, with our tenants and practitioners, we are hoping to make a gradual return to a new normal.  Reopening will be in line with government guidelines and we look forward to welcoming everyone as soon as we can.

In the meantime, members of the CLT Board have been continuing to clear the site and to do some internal painting.  Walkers passing by will surely have noticed a digger on Saturday 13th June – and what a mountain of tangled growth, weeds, metal and concrete boulders were dug out of the front beds (‘thank you’ to Bob Holland for operating the digger and to SSDC staff for removing a truck-load of the rubbish).

If any reader has surplus garden tools, also surplus hardy perennial plants that they would like to donate and then see growing as they walk by, e.g. geraniums / hydrangea / azalea / decorative lush grasses / photinea / and bulbs, we would love to accept such offerings.

We have some rooms and shared space in rooms available should you know anyone who is looking for workspace.  If so, please contact Rosemary on 01935 850254 or Simon on 01935 850563.