July Update

Queen Camel Community Land Trust Ltd


Over the weekend Rachel from HFP reminded me that another deadline was upon us; how quickly the months fly by and already we are almost half-way to Christmas!  Since the last edition we have completed creating the front garden beds with a very special thank you to Geoff Wilson (a former resident of Queen Camel and Chairman of our Horticultural Society) who designed and then built the rockery (in the rain) with the help of Steve M and Bob & Helen and then visited again to oversee the planting and final touches (in the heatwave!).


During June we had the arrival of a launderette machine, which has washing drums for18 and 8kg and a dryer for up to 18kg. We hope that many from the local and wider community will find this a very useful facility.

Last month we mentioned a hairdresser.  We hope that the salon will be ready for opening from September and for September we are also planning an open event and art exhibition, details of both next month.  We will still have parts of the buildings to be refurbished and the gardens to be reclaimed but progress is continuing.

As always enquiries through admin@oldschoolqueencamel.org.uk or to 01935 850254




The Old School site is a buzz with people coming and going. HFP staff are relishing the community atmosphere that is growing. It really is great to see. We also welcome Cam’s Kitchen where we are very pleased to have a place for a coffee break from the office.


The Artisan Project in the completely refurbished old school hall now welcomes visitors, and if you have a business start-up idea you would like help with, please contact Rachel at rachel@homefirstplus.co.uk or on 01935 319006.

We now have three of the seven pods occupied so please drop in and visit Affinity Art’s glass and photography, Stepstone Pottery’s pizza stones and Happily Ever Opal’s resin jewellery. All produce other handmade gifts. Ask any and they will make something specific to your bespoke wishes.

All the extras on site are helping to increase footfall to the Old School.


HFP will also be partnering with the Community Council for Somerset (CCS) in a Talking Café Facebook Live session at the end of July, talking about all the services we provide.